First Nations and Inuit people are covered under the Non-Insured Health Benefits Program (NIHB), which is a federal program available to people registered under the Indian Act (“Status Indians”) and to Inuk people recognized by an Inuit land claims organization. For more information, you can visit Health Canada’s website.

If you are struggling, you can also contact a NIHB Systems Navigator, or call 1 (807) 626-9339 (Northern Ontario) or 1-877-517-6527 (southern Ontario).

Métis people are, at this time, excluded from Non-Insured Health Benefits Program (NIHB). Benefits are provided as they would be for any other Ontario citizen under OHIP. If you encounter difficulties, you can contact the Métis Nation of Ontario to connect with a Community Wellness Worker who can help you navigate the provincial health system in a culturally competent manner. For more information, visit

If you are an Indigenous person who has other health insurance (through work, being a full-time student, spousal benefits, etc.), you may be able to claim transition-related costs through both of your insurance programs. For more information, see Health Canada’s website.