Rainbow Health Ontario thanks the members of the working group who contributed to the creation of this resource:
- Navi Boparai
- Vincent Bolt
- Ashley Edwardson
- Tatiana Ferguson
- Davina Hader
- Carrie Lawford
- Devon MacFarlane
- Thane Robyn
- Eliot Waddingham
- Jordan Zaitzow
In particular, we recognize the expertise of the members of trans communities for their detailed and nuanced contributions. We would also like to recognize the contributions of Dr. Amy Bourns and Dr. Allison Lou for their review and feedback on the document.
Information, resources, language, and policies and procedures relating to transition are evolving rapidly in Ontario. If you have any feedback, or have any questions or other information you would like to see reflected in this guide, please email us at info@rainbowhealthontario.ca.