YinYang Care

240 Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto

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Carl Kern is a Manual Osteopathic Practitioner and a Registered Massage Therapist. As a queer therapist, it’s important to Carl to provide a safe space for other queers in his/their practice. Having had negative experiences in the mainstream heteronormative medical system, and as a queer person, knowing the disconnect internalized homophobia does between one and one’s body, Carl has a passion for helping other queers have positive experiences in an alternative health care environment, getting in touch with their bodies, their pain, their discomfort, and helping to transmute that in a safe space.

As a practitioner of Osteopathy, Carl treats the body structurally, looking for asymmetries and restrictions of motion that impede your body’s ability to heal and find inner balance. The only ‘disease’ in Osteopathy is restriction, stagnation, or lack-of-flow, which prevents the four rivers of life (nerve, artery, vein, and lymph) from delivering health, nutrition, and life force to your body and draining away waste products. Osteopathic manual techniques are designed to provide motion where there is poor motion, to free up stagnation, and to deliver healthy blood to the tissue, calming the nervous system, healing the gut, decreasing inflammation, helping your internal organs, muscles, bones, and everything else to function at its highest and healthiest potential.

Carl also practices Massage Therapy and Reiki, which they use as a mindfulness practice, incorporating Swedish massage with your breath to help increase the mind-body-soul connection and gain a sense of inner peace and physical relief from the stressors of daily life.

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