Ontario Travel Well

ONLINE VIRTUAL, 1884 Merivale Rd, Nepean

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Member of the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM), certified in travel medicine.

I believe my services as a travel medicine provider is important to the LGBTQAI2S community because I am able to assist travellers so that they are well prepared to travel.  By ensuring they receive all information on which vaccines or medications they would need for their specific destinations or purposes of travel.  While ensuring they are aware of any risks in the country they are planning to travel to.  Whether it is to discuss PEP or PReP for a trip or discuss the laws in certain countries that could affect them as a member of the LGBTQAI2S community.  Some countries it is not as safe as we would like it to be.
I would like to believe that I am a non biased, professional, that someone would feel comfortable discussing their specific needs for their travel plans.  My background as a nurse has allowed me to work in many different areas of both the tertiary and community health services throughout Ottawa.
Having worked in some clinics where not everyone was sensitive to the transgender patients emotions and needs of acceptance as who they would like to be identified as.  I learnt through my patients what may be a simple gesture to a health care provider, such as calling someone by their assigned gender at birth, may be emotionally scarring to some.  I like to believe that I try to be sensitive and continue to be open about learning more ways to assist in an accepting, respectful manner.
I have experience with some of my travelers travelling for gender reassignment surgery in foreign countries and what their risks or needs may be when doing such travel.
I worked in infectious disease at the Ottawa Hospital where some of the patients were  HIV+. (with the majority being gay men)  PEP and PreP was just new back then.
Having worked in clinics run or owned by others I often suggested advertising as a safe space for the Rainbow community.  Not all offices thought it to be an option they wanted to try.
Since I now own and run my own travel medicine clinic, Ontario Travel Well, I thought I should do as I always wanted to.  So I reached out to the RHO to try and list my services.  I have always tried to be sensitive to others and their specific needs.  I am a mature nurse and can remember many times throughout the past years where I witnessed injustices to the LGBTQAI2s community.  Growing up in Montreal I often felt frustrated at the ignorance of some people agianst the LGBTQ community (late 1970s,1980s and 1990s). I too have been through my own struggles as a teenager and young adult. Perhaps that is why I always want to do the best I can to make someone that may feel vulnerable at ease and safe with me and the services I provide as a nurse. Today in 2023 I can not believe that some of the same insensitivity or cruelty still exists.  So I hope I and my colleagues at my clinic can make a difference.  By trying to be a welcoming healthcare provider.  A safe space where my patients or travellers can feel comfortable.  I also would like to learn anything I can do to ensure I evolve and make any adjustments or changes to keep up with everyone’s  needs.


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