Cedar Tree Therapy

28 Princess St, Whitby

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Cedar Tree Therapy offers psychotherapy to teens and adults living with anxiety, OCD, eating disorders and complex family relationships.

The therapists at Cedar Tree Therapy are 2SLGBTQ+ allies, who work to understand the unique challenges that 2SLGBTQ+ individuals face. We are mindful of the intersection of oppression that can be experienced by this community leading to increased mental health difficulties.

We provide sexual orientation & gender affirming therapy. Therapy is a place where you can come as your unique self. The therapists at Cedar Tree Therapy are honoured to bear witness to that.

Therapists at Cedar Tree Therapy have the privilege of being your unwavering affirming support, your space to process injustice and trauma, and a place to be who you are.

If you think a therapist a Cedar Tree Therapy might be a good fit for you, you are invited to book a complimentary 15 minute video call consultation through the Cedar Tree Therapy website.  We welcome any contact from you with questions about the therapy process. Please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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