Carla Barbosa

317/25 Cole Street, Toronto

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My name is Carla Barbosa, I am a Registered Social Worker, and I provide psychotherapy to clients in the provinces of Ontario and Prince Edward Island. I have a Master of Science in Health Studies from the University of Regina (Saskatchewan), and a Master of Social Work from the University of Toronto (Ontario). 

As a psychotherapist, I support people in developing tools to better understand themselves, manage their emotions, change patterns of behavior, and create healthier relationships with others and with themselves.

I am a warm, friendly, empathetic person who has a natural ability to make people feel at ease around me. I deeply care about people’s emotions and my great passion is to create a safe space for those who are overwhelmed by life, supporting them in finding their way to safety and wellness. I have experienced episodes of mental unwellness myself and I see that my personal experiences allow me to connect with clients from a place of empathy and authenticity. I have profound respect for my clients’ resourcefulness, and I am consistently in owe with their strength. 

Like everybody else, I am a beautiful patchwork of my identities. I am a queer, cisgender woman who uses she/her pronouns. I was born in Brazil and speak Portuguese as my first language, but I live in Canada since 2009. Therefore, I identify as a white-passing, South-American immigrant, and I try to honour and live by the indigenous teachings of the “Dish With One Spoon”.

I show up in my sessions as someone who has technical knowledge about mental health and human psychology. But I never lose sight that you are the one that holds the knowledge that actually matters: the ins and outs of your own mind. I am here to hear your story and to hold space for your struggles, pain, and progress. I will share with you what I learned in the books, but my real job is to be a compassionate witness to your growth. Job that I never take for granted and that brings me great joy.  

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