Acceptance Nurse Psychotherapy

The Be Well Centre, 549 George St N., Peterborough, ON K9H3R6, Peterboough

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At Acceptance Nurse Psychotherapy, you will find sex-positive, inclusive, and queer-affirming care. Here, you’ll be listened to, understood, and cherished by simply being your extraordinary self. There is no need to hold back your emotions. It is your right to be yourself without apology.

Therapy for Individuals 

Whether exploring your sexual or gender identities, considering transition, facing discrimination, healing old wounds, or simply wanting a therapist who “gets it,” our one-on-one therapy is tailored to support your specific needs and goals.

Therapy for Couples and Families

Relationship dynamics can be multifaceted. Our couples therapy offers a safe space for LGBTQ+ couples and families to build stronger connections, communication, and understanding.

Therapy for Children and Youth

We offer specialized therapy for LGBTQ+ children and youth, focusing on self-acceptance, empowerment, and coping with any challenges they may face.

Support Before, During and After Transition

Transitioning is a profoundly personal experience. We offer therapy to support you both emotionally and psychologically throughout this life-changing process.Our Nurse Psychotherapists work with clients in supporting their applications for gender-affirming surgery and can be second assessors for some surgical procedures. Our Founder and Owner was the first registered nurse to be a second assessor in Ontario and helped to advocate for OHIP coverage for gender-affirming surgery successfully!

Why Choose Us?

  • Empathetic Therapists: Experienced in LGBTQ-affirming therapy and attuned to the unique needs of the community.
  • Queer & Trans identified therapists: We don’t just talk the talk. We walk the rainbow walk and work with our communities to create safer and inclusive spaces.
  • Holistic Healing: Addressing not just your LGBTQ+ identity but your whole self for a more comprehensive healing process.
  • Convenient & Confidential: Offering online sessions, ensuring privacy and accessibility.
  • Community Connections: Linking you to resources such as LGBT YouthLine, chat groups, and more for ongoing support.


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