This groundbreaking publication for transgender families, the first of its kind, was written by and for people with transgender parents. While many transgender people have children, very few resources exist for transgender parents and their families. Having a transgender parent can often feel isolating or challenging. This crucial resource will provide the growing community of children, youth, and adults with one or more transgender parent(s) much needed information about their experience.
The Kids of Trans Resource Guide offers a range of perspectives with valuable quotes from the experts themselves – people of all ages with transgender parents. This invaluable guide seeks to provide an understanding of transgender issues specifically for the children of transgender people with basic vocabulary and concepts, frequently asked questions, and what to expect during a parent’s gender transition. The guide also includes resources such as: Transition Tips for Parents, Finding Support and Community, Legal Q&A for Kids of Trans Parents, and an expanded Transgender Family Resource List. In addition, the guide features frank discussions about family changes, challenges to acceptance, and the benefits of having a trans parent.