PhD | PhD, University of Michigan
Experience in LGBT2SQ research
Principal Investigator. “Cultural Representations of Gender in Psychiatric Narratives.” Social Science and Humanities Research Council – Insight Grant. Co-investigators: Dr. Lori Ross, Ms. Meg Gibson, Dr. Juveira Zaheer.
Interest in LGBT2SQ research
Principal Investigator. “Cultural Representations of Gender in Psychiatric Narratives.” Social Science and Humanities Research Council – Insight Grant. Co-investigators: Dr. Lori Ross, Ms. Meg Gibson, Dr. Juveira Zaheer.
Published Work
- Fergus, S., Lewis, M. A., Darbes, L., & Kral, A. (In Press). Social support moderates the relationship between gay community integration and sexual risk behaviour among gay male couples. Health Education and Behavior.
- Fergus, S., Lewis, M. A., Darbes, L., & Butterfield, R. M. (2005). HIV risk and protection among gay male couples: The role of gay community integration. Health Education and Behaviour, 32(2), 151-171.
- Ramirez-Valles, J., Fergus, S., Reisen, C. A., Poppen, P. J., & Zea, M. C. (2005). Confronting stigma: Community involvement and psychological well-being among HIV-positive Latino gay men. Hispanic Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 27(1), 101-119.