Community Psychology
Experience in LGBT2SQ research
I have been involved with a number of community-based research projects over the past 15 years focussed on: access barriers facing LGB youth in shelters and hostels; access barriers to LGB youth requiring addictions services in Ontario; issues affecting bisexual youth; ‘coming out’ issues for youth and families; issues (including HIV vulnerability) facing LGBT youth who migrate to Toronto; HIV issues affecting diverse groups of gay men; social exclusion and the health of trans people; and issues affecting LGBT refugees to Canada.
Interest in LGBT2SQ research
I have been involved with a number of community-based research projects over the past 15 years focussed on: access barriers facing LGB youth in shelters and hostels; access barriers to LGB youth requiring addictions services in Ontario; issues affecting bisexual youth; ‘coming out’ issues for youth and families; issues (including HIV vulnerability) facing LGBT youth who migrate to Toronto; HIV issues affecting diverse groups of gay men; social exclusion and the health of trans people; and issues affecting LGBT refugees to Canada.
Published Work
- Klein, K., Holtby, A., Cook, K., & Travers, R. (2014). Complicating the "˜coming out' narrative: Becoming oneself in a heterosexist and cissexist world. Journal of Homosexuality, 4, 87 - 103.
- Travers, R., Pyne, J., Bauer, G., Giambrone, B., Hammond, R., & Scanlon, K. (2013). Community control in CBPR: Challenges Experienced and questions raised from the Trans PULSE Project. Action Research published online 30 October 2013. DOI: 10.1177/1476750313507093.
- Munro, L., Travers, R., John, A. S., Klein, K., Hunter, H., Brennan, D., & Brett, C. (2013). A bed of roses?: exploring the experiences of LGBT newcomer youth who migrate to Toronto. Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care,6(4), 137-150.
- St. John, A., Travers, R., Munro, L., Rainier, L., Schneider, M., & Greig, C. (2013). The success of GSAs in Waterloo Region, Ontario: A confluence of political and social factors. Journal of LGBT Youth. 11, 150-170.
- Travers, R., Newton, H., & Munro, L. (2011). "Because it was expected": Heterosexism as a determinant of pregnancy among sexually diverse youth. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 30, 65-79.