Experience in LGBT2SQ research
Experience in health disparities in lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans populations; HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, sexual and reproductive health; analysis of large population-based public health data sets; methodological work in measuring sexual orientation and gender identity in health research.
Interest in LGBT2SQ research
Experience in health disparities in lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans populations; HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, sexual and reproductive health; analysis of large population-based public health data sets; methodological work in measuring sexual orientation and gender identity in health research.
Published Work
- Lewis NM, Bauer GR, Coleman TA, Blot S, Pugh D, Fraser M, Powell L. Community cleavages in the post-AIDS post-rights era: Effects of age, race, sexual identity, and place on gay and bisexual men's perceptions of gay and mainstream community acceptance. Forthcoming, Journal of Homosexuality.
- Bauer GR, Hammond R. Toward a broader conceptualization of trans women's sexual health [invited paper]. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 2015:24(1):1-11.
- Bauer GR. Incorporating intersectionality theory into population health research: Challenges and the potential to advance health equity. Social Science & Medicine 2014;110:10-17.
- Bauer GR, Brennan DJ. The problem with "behavioral bisexuality": Assessing sexual orientation in survey research. Journal of Bisexuality 2013;13(2):148-165.
- Bauer GR. Making sure everyone counts: Considerations for inclusion, identification, and analysis of transgender and transsexual participants in health surveys. In: CIHR Institute of Gender and Health. The Gender, Sex and Health Research Casebook: What a Difference Sex and Gender Make. Vancouver: CIHR Institute of Gender and Health, 2012: 59-67.